Supportive Breastfeeding Services in Murrieta

Welcoming your bundle of joy into the world is a beautiful journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way. At Donohoe Chiropractic, we believe in the power of nurturing care, education, and support to help you achieve your personal breastfeeding goals.

Why Breastfeeding Matters to Us

We're strong advocates for breast milk as the optimal nutrition for newborns. That's why we offer TOTS (Tethered Oral Tissues) assessments conducted by Dr. Donohoe to diagnose and swiftly resolve common breastfeeding issues. With extensive experience and knowledge, Dr. Donohoe is the trusted choice of referring professionals such as chiropractors, pediatric dentists, and pediatricians across Southern California.

Personalized Support for Every Mom

We understand that breastfeeding isn't always easy, and every mother's journey is unique. That's why our highly trained staff provides personalized support tailored to your individual goals and needs. Whether you're struggling with positioning, latch problems, or night feedings, we're here to lend a helping hand.

Lactation Consultations: Your Go-To Resource

Our lactation consultations offer expert advice and hands-on assistance for all things breastfeeding. From the early days of motherhood to the transition back to work, we're here to guide you through every stage of your breastfeeding journey. Whether you're dealing with too much milk, too little milk, or any other challenges, we've got you covered.

We’re Strong Advocates for Breast Milk As the Optimal Nutrition for Newborns

Relief for Mastitis

Are you experiencing the pain of clogged milk ducts? Our breastfeeding evaluations can help. Using ultrasound therapy, we break up the clog and alleviate pain, allowing for a return to normal milk flow. With a series of three consecutive treatments, we aim to provide lasting relief and support for your breastfeeding experience.

Ultrasound Therapy: What to Expect

During your session, you'll relax on a treatment table as we gently use ultrasound therapy to target the clogged duct. Research shows that heat-based therapy effectively resolves clogs in just 8-10 minutes per session. Plus, we'll provide you with instructions and supplements to continue managing pain and promoting proper milk flow at home.

At Donohoe Chiropractic, we're dedicated to supporting you on your breastfeeding journey from start to finish. Schedule your appointment today and experience the difference for yourself. Here's to happy, healthy breastfeeding for you and your little one!